Haminados Chiquititas

Itai Shaked
3 min readApr 27, 2024


Haminados Chiquititas Ltd.

A brown bodybuilder with one ball. This is my lover, and I wonder: What does this reveal about me? Among all the men I encountered on dating apps, I was notably aroused by a well-built, though not particularly tall, athlete. He fulfilled a deep and well-cherished fantasy from my childhood — the desire for intimacy with a bodybuilder.

I remember the first time we met, and the attraction exploded. We undressed and started making out, and I immediately reached for his balls. I was shocked to feel that there was an extremely small scrotum attached to the big cock, and that my lover had only one ball! Like Hitler!

The second time we met — escalation. I played more confidently with the scrotum, felt, pulled, and separated it with my fingers, and I think I encountered a revelation — he has two balls! But very small. Very. Literally — Haminados Chikititas. He also told me once while making out that he usually doesn’t cum, so I figured it was probably all part of the abnormal testicular physiology. On the other hand, in his tiny and messy apartment on the outskirts of Bat Yam, close to the beach, I found in the chaotic closet, in the dark, boxes of steroid syringes. Broken shelves near the entrance held large containers of protein drink powders, and I thought — maybe the excess of industrial materials is what caused my lover’s balls to shrink, just like George Constanza’s penis in that episode of Seinfeld?

I think about women I have dated. Have I had such a delusional experience with a woman as well? Even though I’m gay, my success with women has always been phenomenal. When I was young and felt insecure about myself and horny at levels never seen on the face of the earth, I engaged intimately with every girl who showed interest in me, leading to a tumultuous period in my life.

Something somewhat like the testicular hallucination with my lover happened to me with a kibbutz girl I met at a party in the Florentine neighborhood in the south of Tel Aviv. We met at the bar, the evening unfolded with laughter, and when we undressed in my apartment, I saw that her breasts were not the same size. One was small, and the other larger and had fallen.

“Very special, isn’t it?” she asked me proudly, and while choking, I felt the erection shrink and the cock folding in and coming out of my ass. She struck out her chest and grabbed her breasts sensually.

“I call them Kobi and Sarit. You know — this is Kobi,” she said, rocking the little breast. “ And this is Sarit,” she said, pulling the fallen breast. She released the nipple, and the breast slid over her chest and went down almost to her stomach. I felt my face nearly drop to the floor from the shock.


In any event, I have lots of fun with my lover. One ball or two, I don’t care. At home, at the movies, or on the beach, the muscular and brown body of the bodybuilder turns me on very much and fills my heart with great joy.

April 2024

