The brutal nipple murder with Gabriel 2

Itai Shaked
2 min readJun 23, 2024


Photo by Daniel Weiss on Unsplash


Gabriel’s apartment on Levinsky Street was small, clean, and filled with plants. Still dazed from the party, I thought about flashing lights, partygoers in the dark, and ghosts. We walked through the narrow hallway to the large living room, where tacky pictures of exotic landscapes covered the walls. Ghosts in the jungle, I thought. We sat on the couch, and Gabriel began playing with the rolling papers in the bowl, rolling a joint. Through the blinds, I saw the dawn breaking over the city. He took off his leopard-print shirt, and then it happened. His nipples. They were huge. In the light of the lava lamp, flanked by the gold chains on his muscular chest, Gabriel’s nipples were such a deep brown that I immediately felt my insides pulsing with excitement, desperate to express themselves. My heart pounded with desire, and my chest nearly exploded. My hands fell lifelessly on the couch. I felt helpless: this beautiful man was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. And he wanted me!

“You’re so sweet,” Gabriel smiled at me, exhaled the weed smoke, and stunned me with a long kiss. “Such a baby face…” He stroked my smooth face and rubbed my fringe. I was ecstatic. I felt fulfilled. I stripped immediately. The bones in my small, skinny body turned to jelly, but I was hard as a hammer. I wondered if sex with someone named Gabriel would bring my father back to life. Would I feel protected and whole like before he died? And I knew there was no answer. There wouldn’t be. Gabriel came closer, and before I knew it, he pressed his fleshy lips to my nipple and bit down hard. The pain was excruciating. He bit, sucked, and drew on it — I don’t know what he did there, but the pain was so intense it felt like he was ripping it off with his teeth. I imagined blood spurting, tribal screams, bongo drums beating, a strong wind blowing in a lost temple in Tanzania… Then he did the same to the other nipple. Licked, sucked, cut — he murdered them in cold blood! In shock, I didn’t know what to think.

“Now, kid, come to bed,” he said, quietly pulling me to the small room by the hand.

To be continued

